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What Techniques Were Used in Pyramid Construction in Atlantis and Egypt?
What Techniques Were Used in Pyramid Construction in Atlantis and Egypt?

It will be most efficient to present this material exactly as it is recorded in the files of SOL. This is an exchange between a member of a research group, identified here by “Q” for questioner, and The Council (“C”) speaking, of course, through the Deep Catatonic Trance state of Mr. LePar:

Q:, Could you tell us, please, how the pyramids were built? That is, any of the pyramids, Egypt or Mu, Lemuria or Atlantis?

C: Through the mental processes.

Q: The same powers that could also be turned to destruction?

C: Power is neither good nor bad. Power in itself is neither good nor bad. Those that apply it determine whether it is good or bad. Does that answer your question?

Q: Yes.

C: No, it does not.

Q: As far as power is concerned, but not the original question.

C: Pursue it.

Q: Did they simply will the construction, will the blocks to move? I suppose that is the question.

C: Basically, it was a matter of willing, but they needed help.

Q: From crystals again?

C: No, only partially.

Q: Then from what?

C: Special appliances. Basically, metallic rods held in the hands. One was a barrel-shaped rod; the other was a staff rod. The high priest then would carry these, and it was used as a tuning mechanism. The assistant priests or the common priests then would concentrate, and through a means of chanting which would have been strictly cosmetic in actuality, the chanting served their conscious mind for concentration, but the chanting in itself served no other purpose; focusing these thoughts then and the high priests holding these rods, touching the stone or that block that had to be moved, created a field that negated the gravitational force, thus allowing that stone or that rock to rise. Do you understand?

Q: Yes. Q (another researcher): Somewhat, are you talking about vibrations? Through some kind of vibratory energy that the rock gained an antigravitational state? Is that following you?

C: The mind emanates electrical field. This electrical field can be focused. Do you understand?

Q: All right.

C: The priests would concentrate on the rising of the rock or the elevating of the rock. Do you understand?

Q: Yes.

C: They were of one mind then. The high priest then which held these appliances, with the use of the appliance would be able to be what you could refer to as a power element or the priest with these appliances then would accumulate these electrical impulses derived from the extreme concentration and would trigger then, with the help of these appliances, a force that would negate the magnetic field in relationship to the object. Now the priests would lay hands on the object or the stone. Do you understand?

Q: Yes.

C: The high priest would walk ahead or behind of the stone, and one could consider then, because of the appliances, the high priest would be used as the power source to cancel out the gravitational force on the rock itself. This would be done in a manner that is hard to explain because the concept is not in line with man’s normal understanding but what constitutes material form but atoms. Again, what are atoms but fields of energy or electricity, and so by activating the molecular structure of the stone in such a way it would eliminate the relationship with the magnetic field or with the gravitational field, thus causing it to elevate or levitate.

Q: Is this the same process that would have been used in cutting, perhaps I am using the term loosely, but cutting the stone from the actual quarry and transporting it to a site where the pyramid was to be built?

C: This would be a process used in moving the stone. In some cases those stones that were too large to be truly supported on barges and what have you would necessitate a constant activity as we have described it. Do you understand this?

Q: Yes.

C: Rough cutting would have been done basically at a manual level. Refined cutting and polishing then would have been done through appliances such as crystals. The focusing of the mental powers for direction and the powers of the sun, one could shear a stone to within one one-thousandth of an inch. Again, such an area will serve no purpose.

The statement that “such an area will serve no purpose” means that, if these technical aspects were pursued in a line of questioning, those attending that particular Trance and all those partaking of the information would probably wind up pretty confused and that much Trance time would have been for naught. But there were other aspects to discuss, other insights into our past to reveal.

Someone asked if the other pyramids of which we are aware, specifying Mexico and Central America, were built in the same way for the same purposes. The Council answered yes, and the exchange continued:

C: You must remember that the system that instigated these activities or, let us say, the class that instigated these activities came from the priest system or priest caste or the priestly caste. Do you understand?

Q: Yes. C: Within the overall system were many individual segments or orders, and their structures may differ slightly from another order’s structures. Do you understand? Their choice of design or style may have differed slightly. Do you understand?

Q: I think so. Do you mean more than one group within the society was building buildings simultaneously?

C: Temples and buildings were built by two different groups. Temples were built by the priestly order; buildings by the architectural orders that laid more in the civil area and all its divisions. But within the priestly order, within the priestly caste, you had a number of different orders who had their own styles.

Source: Three Worlds Lost – The History of MU, LEMURIA, and ATLANTIS by Denny Highben

Pyramid Effect On Animals
Pyramid Effect On Animals

Antoine Bovis had paused beside the Sphinx before passing on to the Great Pyramid. He was still wondering about the strange combination of man and beast depicted in the huge statue when he entered the King’s Chamber. Maybe it was this thought that made him notice a small dead animal in one corner of the room. He was fascinated by the discovery that the creature—obviously long dead—had not deteriorated but had simply mummified. Something told Bovis that one of the secrets of this occurrence was the shape of me pyramid, that the shape altered the energy fields inside in such a manner that instead of rotting the animal dehydrated. He tested this hypothesis when he returned home to France. 

He built model pyramids, constructed to the scale of the Great Pyramid and also aligned on the north-south axis. Dead animals placed inside the models at a location approximating that of the King’s Chamber mummified without spoiling. The French experimenter had launched the new era of pyramid construction. His studies came to the attention of a Czechoslovakian radio engineer named Kari Drbal. Interested in wave fields, crystals, and so on, Drbal wondered what influence pyramid space would have on metal structures, and he found that razor blades could be re sharpened if placed inside model pyramids. His patented pyramid razor-blade sharpeners came to the attention of two American reporters on tour of the iron curtain countries in pursuit of new scientific discoveries. They mentioned the pyramid experiments in their book, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, and started a craze for pyramidology in this and a number of other countries. Interest grew as investigators—from basement tinkerers to professional researchers—found that unusual phenomena did, indeed, occur inside pyramids. It might be reaching too far to suggest that the small creature sacrificed itself inside the Great Pyramid in order to call man’s attention to new dimensions of energy fields. 

But animals have wittingly or unwittingly given themselves upon man’s scientific altars, and without their contributions scientific knowledge would be a far cry from what it is today.

Ed Pettit and I were two of those bitten by the pyramid bug. Our research over a four year
period included experiments with hundreds of plants, liquids, solids, with pyramids of many sizes and materials under a variety of conditions. Our work culminated in two books.

The Secret Power of Pyramids , The Psychic Power of Pyramids,

but looking back it can be seen that animals played critical roles in our efforts. They were directly responsible for new directions and for the working hypotheses as they developed. 

Research on Gerbil:

A small female gerbil set thestage for many experiments that followed. Shortly after proving to ourselves that razor blades could be kept sharp inside of pyramids, and that fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs, milk, etc., could be preserved therein without spoilage, we decided to place the small creature inside a pyramid to see what would happen. No brilliant scheme was involved, just curiosity, but the results now make us wonder if we weren’t being directed by designs other than our own. The gerbil was jubilant. She had never before displayed such abundant joy. She ate better, grew some, although already mature, and soon exhibited a luxurious coat of fur. And such tranquillity; nothing would upset her. Of particular note was her new interest in housekeeping chores. She cleaned up her cage and made her nest neatly in one corner instead of having it strewn over half the cage as before. But when her cage was removed from the pyramid, she became quite upset. She refused to eat and her household was soon a mess. Back under the pyramid and she was happy again. One day she cut herself badly on her cage. The gash was so deep near one eye we thought she might lose it. The wound was not treated but she was kept under the pyramid. Healing took place rapidly and the gash closed without so much as leaving a scar.

Our experiences with the gerbil encouraged us to build pyramids large enough for people to sit, meditate, and even sleep in. This opened up a whole new field of adventure. Our experiments
with smaller pyramids had provided us with some exciting results, but the larger pyramids permitted us to test ourselves and others in a variety of ways. As the results were shared with friends and with others through correspondence, newspapers, and radio and television interviews, many people started building larger pyramids, and they, in turn, shared their experiences with us. In this manner we were able to collect considerable data on persons experiencing pyramid space. Briefly—for this material was covered in The Psychic Power of Pyramids — people reported feeling peaceful and tranquil inside pyramids. They felt removed in a comfortable sort of way from the distractions of the outside world and isolated even though separated only to the extent of a sheet of plastic or plywood. Their meditation was better, easier to get into and maintain, than it was outside.

A “presence” was felt inside the pyramids, one that subjects found difficult to describe as it was not the feeling that their space was being shared by some disincarnate being or invisible personality but more like a beneficial, caring sort of force. And it was exciting to discover that irritations and problems carried into the pyramid could not be sustained for long inside. Their troubles seemed to fade away, and one subject told us that he even made a serious effort to hold and project feelings of hostility but found it impossible. One sensitive soul told us that she entered the pyramid carrying the burdens of the world, completely depressed by “the mess that the world was in.” She left an hour later with feelings of hope and even optimism. So our happy, jubilant gerbil had grown to a crowd of more contented people. Even those suffering from claustrophobia felt comfortable in the wonder of pyramid space. “Housekeeping chores” also emerged with a new style for many individuals. Greater enthusiasm was discovered in the
day-to-day business of living, as projected by our furry little crystal ball. Individuals found themselves singing and whistling again and reducing mountains back into molehills. Many phone calls and letters related how a new inner poise had been found, while more than a few told us they had been able to “get it back together again.” But perhaps the most amazing experiences had to do with healing. 

Wounds Healing:

On two different occasions Ed Pettit badly damaged his hands with power tools; the second time his right hand was so severely torn the attending physician thought he would lose the last
joints of two fingers. He spent a great deal of time in a pyramid in both instances. As a result of the first healing experience, Pettit was convinced the pyramid would pull him through again. The fingers were saved, and, although there is no way to know if the pyramid was the cause, the doctor was so amazed with the rapid improvement that he furnished us a signed statement for our book. No sooner had this occurred, however, than we started hearing from people all over me country telling us about their healing experiences with pyramids. While we cannot represent pyramid models as devices of healing, we can share the experiences. People have been telling us of cuts, bruises, broken bones, etc., healing in much less time; scar tissue disappearing; arthritis and rheumatism being alleviated; headaches and ulcers fading away; skin problems clearing up … the list seems endless. Pyramids, the miracle workers? We do not know. We have asked ourselves and others many questions having to do with energy fields, belief systems, positive thinking, suggestion (although many of the correspondents were not aware of other people’s healing experiences), electromagnetic influences, and so on. There was a time when we pondered if the changes weren’t the result of psychosomatic factors, having little to do

with organic systems as such. And once again the experience with our gerbil took on a new significance. We said to one another that the apparent healing couldn’t be simply of a psychosomatic nature if the unusual healing of the small creature meant anything. This question was poised in mid air when we started noticing that Pettit’s dog, Wolf, who had been voluntarily spending some time each day in an outside pyramid for several weeks, was limping less from an arthritic condition and was wanting to play ball again, something he had
refrained from doing for more than a year. Then, as if by design, further confirmation arrived in the form of letters and phone calls:

“Let me tell you what the pyramid has done for my pet,” they said. It seemed that most of our reporters had constructed large pyramids for their own designs only to discover that their

cats, dogs, rabbits, squirrels, parrots, whatever, had other plans for the household or back-yard furnishing. They moved in at every opportunity, attracted by some mysterious force to the pyramid. Whatever message the animals were receiving, they were allegedly feeling better from an assortment of ailments, were more vigorous, coats or feathers more luxurious, and they seemed more contented. Why the animals were attracted to the pyramids raises some
interesting questions. It seems safe to assume that the creatures experienced in some fashion the same sensations as humans—quietude, peace, and invigoration.

Animals, more attuned to nature than ourselves, are more responsive to those things which are good for them and avoid things which are harmful. They can be found chewing on grass and herbs when their systems are out of balance and will fast and rest when they are ill. Most primitive medicines were discovered by watching animals eat certain plants for different problems. The plants were tried by man and slowly his stock of remedies has grown over the
centuries. Most of the medicines we have today were derived in this fashion, but they were first discovered by other animals. With their inborn sense of selection, it is not likely that animals will voluntarily choose conditions which are not beneficial to them. 


Pyramid space is apparently a negative field as far as insects are concerned. If they enter a pyramid, they will not remain, according to several reports we have received. Fruit, vegetables, and other food products are not bothered by roaches, flies, and so on within the structures. A friend conducted a test with some ants. Noticing an anthill near his outside pyramid, he placed some breadcrumbs in the middle of the pyramid and an equal amount on the ground outside. The ants soon found their way to the new goodies outside, but the encampment that headed for the pyramid turned back shortly after entering. One brave scout made it to the food and
even picked up a crumb, but did not get far before he had to unload and head for a more pleasant environment. Why animals seemingly are attracted to the pyramids and not insects we do not know. We wonder if insects beneficial to man, such as bees, would be affected adversely by pyramid space. It shouldn’t be too difficult to explore this question but to date we have not experimented. Animals with their more acute senses and possibly greater psychic attunement may well be aware of energy fields that man—for the most part—only detects indirectly. Many humans have experienced unusual sensations inside pyramids, but animals may pick up these

subtle fields immediately. They may be more responsive because they do not question, rationalize, and analyze as we have a tendency to do. In any case, it was the dogs and cats that led us to another discovery concerning pyramid space.

Source: The Psychic Power of Animals – Bill Schul

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